
The Dark Knight (2008)

Joker unties Two-Face and hands him a pistol. Two-Face, bent on revenge and now believing everything in the world should be decided by chance, flips the double- ...

The Dark Knight (2008) Plot Summary & Movie Trailer

A group of masked criminals rob a mafia-owned bank in Gotham City. Their operation concludes with a shocking betrayal and only one survivor, the Joker ...

The Dark Knight (film) | Batman Wiki

At Gotham General, Joker arrives disguised as a nurse to corrupt Dent. Dent, unable to move due to bed restraints, is convinced by the Joker to exact revenge on ...

The Dark Knight movie review & film summary (2008)

“The Dark Knight” is not a simplistic tale of good and evil. Batman is good, yes, The Joker is evil, yes. But Batman poses a more complex puzzle ...

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

84 days into the siege, the Army slips an intelligence team into Gotham disguised as relief workers, under the command of Captain Mark Jones (Daniel Sunjata).

The Dark Knight Summary

When half of Harvey Dent's face gets burned in an explosion, the Joker brings him over to the dark side, encouraging him to seek vengeance for Rachel's death.

The Dark Knight

The film takes place in Gotham City some time after the events of Batman Begins. A gang of masked criminals robs a bank run by Gotham's mob.


《黑暗騎士》(英語:The Dark Knight,中國大陸譯《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》,香港譯《蝙蝠俠—黑夜之神》)是一部於2008年上映的超級英雄電影,由克里斯多福·諾蘭編劇、 ...


JokeruntiesTwo-Faceandhandshimapistol.Two-Face,bentonrevengeandnowbelievingeverythingintheworldshouldbedecidedbychance,flipsthedouble- ...,Agroupofmaskedcriminalsrobamafia-ownedbankinGothamCity.Theiroperationconcludeswithashockingbetrayalandonlyonesurvivor,theJoker ...,AtGothamGeneral,JokerarrivesdisguisedasanursetocorruptDent.Dent,unabletomoveduetobedrestraints,isconvincedbytheJokertoexactrev...